'name_show', 'params' => $params, 'id' => '1' )); // Prepare and performs the HTTP POST $opts = array ('http' => array ( 'method' => 'POST', 'header' => 'Content-type: application/json', 'content' => $request )); $fp = fopen($emcCONNECT, 'rb', false, stream_context_create($opts)); if(!$fp) throw new Exception('emerssl_NVS_req: Unable to connect to EMC-wallet'); $rc = json_decode(stream_get_contents($fp), true); $er = $rc['error']; if(!is_null($er)) throw new Exception('emerssl_NVS_req: Response error: ' . $er); return $rc['result']; } // emerssl_NVS //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Returns text string: ['$' . clients EMC address] if emerssl certificate passed check OK // EMC-address started with 'E/e' letters // or an error text, if validating fails function emerssl_validate() { try { if(!array_key_exists('SSL_CLIENT_CERT', $_SERVER) || empty($_SERVER['SSL_CLIENT_CERT'])) return "No certificate presented, or server misconfigured"; // Generate search key, and retrieve NVS-value $key = str_pad(strtolower($_SERVER['SSL_CLIENT_M_SERIAL']), 16, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT); if($key[0] == '0') return "Wrong serial number - must not start from zero"; $key = "ssl:" . $key; $nvs = emerssl_NVS_req(array($key)); if($nvs['expires_in'] <= 0) return "NVS record expired, and is not trustable"; // NVS lines; 1st contains hash_algo=hash_value $lines = explode(PHP_EOL, $nvs['value']); // Compute certificate fingerprint, using algo, defined in the NVS value list($algo, $emc_fp) = explode('=', $lines[0]); $crt_fp = hash($algo, base64_decode( preg_replace('/\-+BEGIN CERTIFICATE\-+|-+END CERTIFICATE\-+|\n|\r/', '', $_SERVER['SSL_CLIENT_CERT']))); return ($emc_fp == $crt_fp)? '$' . $nvs['address'] : "False certificate provided"; } catch(Exception $e) { return "Cannot extract from NVS key=$key"; // Any mmcFE error - validation fails } } // emerssl_validate //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Populate global array $emc_infocard // // Before InfoCard usage: // mkdir /var/tmp/infocard/ // chown www-data /var/tmp/infocard/ // function emerssl_infocard($ic_ref) { global $emc_infocard_cache_path, $emc_infocard_limit; // echo "Called emerssl_infocard($ic_ref)\n"; if(--$emc_infocard_limit < 0) return "Too long InfoCard reference chain"; // Remove possible hazardous symbols, for preserve shell injection list($service, $key, $passwd) = explode(':', preg_replace('/[^0-9A-Za-z_:]/', '', $ic_ref)); if($service != "info") return "Unsupported InfoCard service type: $service\n"; if(!isset($passwd)) return "Wrong InfoCard link format - missing password"; $cached_path = "$emc_infocard_cache_path/$key"; // If cached file too old (10+min) or non exist - read from NVS and create it if(!file_exists($cached_path) || time() - filemtime($cached_path) > 600) { try { $nvs = emerssl_NVS_req(array("info:$key", 'base64')); if($nvs['expires_in'] <= 0) { touch($cached_path); return "NVS record expired, and is not trustable"; } $fh = popen("openssl aes-256-cbc -d -pass pass:$passwd | zcat > $cached_path", "wb"); fwrite($fh, base64_decode($nvs['value'])); # for wallet 0.7.0+ pclose($fh); } catch(Exception $e) { touch($cached_path); return "Unable fetch from NVS value for key=info:$key"; } } // fetch infocard to the cache $fh = fopen($cached_path, "r"); // Read InfoCard file, line by line $k = ""; $old_k = ""; $loc_arr = array(); $tpr = '_hash_' . getmypid() . '_'; while(($buffer = fgets($fh, 4096)) !== false) { #echo "Buf=$buffer"; preg_match('/^(\S+)?(\s+)(.+)?/', $buffer, $matches); // print_r($matches); if(isset($matches[1]) && !empty($matches[1])) $k = $matches[1]; $v = ""; if(isset($matches[3])) { $v = preg_replace('/\\\#/', $tpr, $matches[3]); $v = preg_replace('/\s*\#.*/', '', $v); $v = preg_replace("/$tpr/", '#', $v); } if(!empty($k) && !empty($v)) { if($k != $old_k) { // merge loc_arr to $emc_infocard emerssl__merge($old_k, $loc_arr); $loc_arr = array(); } array_push($loc_arr, $v); $old_k = $k; } } // while fclose($fh); // merge last array, if exist emerssl__merge($k, $loc_arr); return '$'; } // emerssl_infocard //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function emerssl__merge($k, $loc_arr) { global $emc_infocard; if(empty($k)) return; //echo "Called merge for [$k]\n"; //print_r($loc_arr); if($k == 'Import') { foreach ($loc_arr as $ic_ref) emerssl_infocard($ic_ref); } else { preg_match('/([+]?)([^+]+)([+]?)/', $k, $matches); if(!isset($matches[2]) || empty($matches[2])) return; // Garbage key $q1 = isset($matches[1]) && !empty($matches[1]); $q3 = isset($matches[3]) && !empty($matches[3]); $k = $matches[2]; if(!$q1 && !$q3) { // key $emc_infocard[$k] = $loc_arr; } if($q1 && !$q3) { // +key $emc_infocard[$k] = isset($emc_infocard[$k])? array_merge($emc_infocard[$k], $loc_arr) : $loc_arr; } if(!$q1 && $q3) { // key+ $emc_infocard[$k] = isset($emc_infocard[$k])? array_merge($loc_arr, $emc_infocard[$k]) : $loc_arr; } } // echo "========================\n"; } // emerssl__merge //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Main program here echo "
echo "pid=" . getmypid() . "\n\n";

$dn_data = array();

// Print SSL-certificate fields and fill $dn_data array
if(array_key_exists('SSL_CLIENT_CERT', $_SERVER) && !empty($_SERVER['SSL_CLIENT_CERT'])) {
  echo "main: SSL-certificate presented\n\n";
  echo "\tSerialNo => " . htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['SSL_CLIENT_M_SERIAL']) . "\n\n";
  foreach(explode(',', $_SERVER['SSL_S_DN']) as $pair) {
    $kv = explode('=', $pair);
    $dn_data[$kv[0]] = $kv[1];
    echo "\t" . htmlspecialchars($kv[0]) . " => " . htmlspecialchars($kv[1]) . "\n";
} else {
  echo "main: No SSL-certificate presented";

// Validate emerssl here
echo "\nemerssl_validate() RETURNED: " . emerssl_validate() . "\n\n";

// There is InfoCard processing
echo "------------------------------------------\n";

if(array_key_exists('UID', $dn_data)) {
   $err = emerssl_infocard($dn_data['UID']);
   echo "+InfoCard presented: $err\n";
   echo htmlspecialchars(print_r($emc_infocard, 1));
} else {
  echo "-No InfoCard presented\n";

echo "------------------------------------------\n";
// This is just for testing, try to retrieve additional InfoCards
$emc_infocard = array();
$emc_infocard_limit = 20;

if(array_key_exists('Info', $_GET)) {
  echo "External infocard: " . $_GET['Info'] . "\n";
  echo htmlspecialchars(print_r($emc_infocard, 1));
